Vera Wong, Member of British Acupuncture Council & The Acupuncture Fertility Network
Traditional Chinese Medicine has always been a part of my life. From drinking medicinal teas to eating seasonal food it was integral to my childhood. However, the journey into becoming an Acupuncturist took a longer time.
Initially, I studied for a History of Arts Degree and then went into publishing. I eventually found myself working for the Wellcome Trust. Working in their Library creating a virtual catalogue of their beautiful Art collection, I found myself in the Historic Medical world of academia where I met lots of interesting and knowledgeable Academics. It was here that I first met the eminent of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Ma, who practiced Acupuncture and encouraged me to become an Acupuncturist.
From this starting point, I studied for an ITEC Diploma in Massage and later ITEC Diploma in Reflexology in 1995 & 1996 before deciding to undertake a full-time Degree course in Acupuncture. I graduated in 2005 from the University of Westminster and immediately started working for a Community Complementary Health Clinic based in Walthamstow.
I have since completed Postgraduate courses (2006 & 2014) in Gynaecology, Fertility and Pre and Postnatal with Zita West, Jani White and Debra Betts. As well as a Paediatric Acupuncture course with Anne Bradford and June Tranmer (2006).
During 2020-2021 I completed a Supervision and Mentoring course run by Isobel Cosgrove and Sally Blades.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and fully insured with them.
I am also a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network.
I offer acupuncture and reflexology treatments from clinics in Walthamstow and Stratford.
Please note there will be a price increase for all appointments starting in June 2024.